Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Meet the Candidates Sponsored by NEAT, Tuesday October 11

NEAT is hosting a Meet the Candidate night at the Green Street Arts Center tonight.  It will be an informal gathering where you can meet the people running for office, and ask whatever question you'd like to ask.

I'll be there and I'd love to talk to you.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why Run? Why Now?

I grew up in a house that was deeply involved in community.

My dad was a fireman, and a union organizer, and belonged to several community organizations, mostly church related.  He also chaired charitable fund drives for Muscular Dystrophy and spent many hour volunteering.  My mom also chaired several church organizations, including citywide organizations like the Council for Catholic Women in New Britain.

The groundwork was laid, observing the hours my mom and dad put in.

My father-in-law, Reds McMillan, along with his wife Jane, were also deeply involved in the community.  Jane still is.  Reds served for several years on the Board of Education here in Middletown.

My wife Lucy and I have worked to be involved and engaged since we moved to Middletown ten years ago.

I helped establish the Middletown Eye, and as a citizen journalist, I spent hours reporting on municipal activities, and observed the limited effect a newsblog could have on issues.

So, with two kids in public school, I decided to make the leap and run for the Board of Education, where real change is needed.

I believe with the will to make our schools the best in the state, maybe the best in the nation, we would have commerce knocking at our doors, and residents vying to live in our town.

That should be our goal.  The best education possible for all our students.